Online Banking


Your Bank 24/7 at your fingertips - with only a smartphone and access to internet! 

You can download the app from Google Play and/or App Store for FREE.


How to register in the App?

AraratMobile app can be downloaded from Google Play and/or App Store for FREE by scanning a QR code.

You may register in the app in one of the following ways:

  • Online registration: Fill in your card details and register without visiting the Bank*;
  • Online identification: Identify yourself using your ID document, regardless of whether you are an ARARATBANK customer or not;
  • Registration via the link: Identify yourself in any branch of the Bank or by contacting the Call Center;

*Attention։ Registration is possible only if the 3D security system of your card is activated.

  • If the 3D security system of your card is not active, you may try one of the following:
  • Write an e-mail to carddep@araratbank.am (from an e-mail address registered in the Bank), stating your intention to activate 3D security system;
  • Contact ARARATBANK Call Center, identify yourself and apply for 3D activation;
  • Visit one of the Bank's branches or the head office and fill in the application form for 3D security system activation, after which you can register online and perform transactions through AraratMobile app.  
Transactions enabled through AraratMobile app
  • account opening*
  • current account top-up* 
  • loan disbursement
  • repayment of loans provided by ARARATBANK and other banks
  • deposit placement/top-up, termination
  • personal/group utility payments
  • currency conversion
  • linking and making transactions with cards issued by other ArCa system member banks
  • card-to-card transfers**
  • Flight transfers
  • Visa international transfers
  • MoneySend transfers
  • transfers in the RA territory
  • transfers to the state budget
  • property tax payments
  • waste disposal payments
  • parking fees, traffic fines and CMTPLI payments 
  • applying for replacement of lost and/or stolen card   
  • online queuing
  • submitting applications, complaints and proposals
  • applying for provision of reference
  • applying for a new PIN code 
  • receiving fast money transfers
  • digital card order
  • repayment of loan from another bank
  • reviewing pension accounts

No fee for opening a new online account shall be charged to ARARATBANK customers who have already acquired at least one product.

Customers who have at least one of the mentioned products can open an account in the AraratMobile application without an annual maintenance fee:

  • Settlement, card, social package, brokerage accounts
  • Depot accounts
  • Loan/Overdraft (except co-borrower)
  • Deposit (except for 3rd party)


Service fees


Name of service

Fee (VAT included)

AraratMobile Resident Non-resident
 Provision Free
 Monthly service  Free
SMS delivery Free* / AMD 30.00**

*to mobile networks registered within Armenia 

** to mobile networks registered outside Armenia 

When a CMTPLI (Compulsory Motor Third-Party Liability Insurance) contract is concluded via AraratMobile app, a 5% discount applies to the insured who have BM class 9 and lower.

No fee for opening a new online account shall be charged to ARARATBANK customers who have already acquired at least one product.

Page updated 04.02.2025 | 19:22

In case of discrepancy between Armenian and English versions of the information, the priority is given to the Armenian version.